Sidra Pearl

Lot Description

Reference Number:20
Opening Bid:$20.00/lb
Weight:26.46 lbs
Process:Hybrid Washed
Altitude:1400 - 2000 masl
Harvest:1st semester 2023
Bags Size:26.46
Bag Type:Vacuum Pack
Producer Cupping Notes:Spices, bergamot, jasmine floral, and brown sugar
Location:Caicedonia, Valle del Cauca
Producer:Café Granja La Esperanza
Fermentation:Cherries were selected and fermented for 72 hours in anaerobic tanks. Then we de-pulped the cherries and fermented them in aerobic tanks for 48 hours. Finally, they were submerged in water for 3 hours.
Drying Method:After being immersed in water, the coffee eas dried in mechanical dryers for 96 hours at a temperature of 39C.

Coffee details

Fragrance / Aroma:Lactic, butter, spices, and mangosteen.
Flavour:Green apple, floral, brown sugar, white chocolate, vanilla, malic acidity, and silky body.

Farm details

Producer Name: Café Granja La Esperanza
Farm Name: Potosí
Farm Size: 52.0 ha

Other info

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