CGLE Amber

Lot Description

Reference Number:8
Opening Bid:$20.00/lb
Weight:66.14 lbs
Altitude:1570 1850 masl
Harvest:1st semester 2023
Bags Size:13.23
Bag Type:Vacuum Pack
Producer Cupping Notes:Tangerine, caramelized pear, dulce de leche, and floral jasmine.
Location:Caicedonia, Valle del Cauca
Producer:Café Granja La Esperanza
Fermentation:Cherries were strictly selected at the precise point of maturity to guarantee the optimum level of sugar. The cherries were fermented for 144 hours in anaerobic tanks, then they were de-pulped, and fermented in anaerobic tanks for 73 hours.
Drying Method:After anaerobic fermentation, the coffee was dried in mechanical dryers for 120 hours at 38°C.

Coffee details

Fragrance / Aroma:Tangerine, coriander seed, pear, and honey.
Flavour:Honey, marshmallow, peach, orange, medium citric acidity, juicy, creamy body, and candied apple.

Farm details

Producer Name: Café Granja La Esperanza
Farm Name: Las Margaritas
Farm Size: 33.8 ha

Other info

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